Acupuncture and your pet…
Why Should I Consider Acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile needles in precise points on the body, to create biochemical and physiological changes.
The main benefit of Acupuncture in rehabilitation is in pain relief. It can dramatically improve pain relief, both on its own, and in combination with medications.
What Conditions Can Benefit from Acupuncture Treatment?
Acupuncture can assist with more acute conditions (such as sprains and strains), or more chronic conditions (as with osteoarthritis). However, acupuncture can also be of benefit in many other conditions, including:
Very importantly, acupuncture can be of benefit to those patients suffering from chronic, debilitating and/or terminal diseases. Allowing them increased pain relief, better sleep and improved well-being and quality of life.
What Can I Expect During an Acupuncture Treatment?
Treatment usually involves the insertion of Acupuncture needles used on some points. Needles usually remain in place for 10-20 minutes.
Will It Hurt? Are There Side-Effects? Is It Safe?
Acupuncture needles are very fine, so rarely cause any pain when being inserted. Some patients may experience a slight tingling or numb feeling when the point is stimulated, however most animals relax and some even fall asleep.
Often patients will feel drowsy for 24 hours after their treatment, this is due to the release of substances within the body which help them to relax and provide an overall sense of well-being.
If performed by a registered veterinarian, with additional training in veterinary acupuncture, it is one of the safest veterinary therapies available for your pet. Side-effects are rare.
How Many Treatments Will Be Required?
The number of treatments required varies according to the condition being treated and with each individual patient. In most cases, treatments are scheduled weekly, then, with improvement in symptoms, the time between treatments is extended. Many conditions may resolve completely and even chronic problems may only require treatment 2-3 times per year.
Does Acupuncture and Other Holistic Therapies Replace Conventional Veterinary Medicine?
Whilst Acupuncture can be used alone, it is intended to complement your pet’s current veterinary treatment. We encourage you to maintain your relationship with your current primary care veterinarian and we will coordinate with them to ensure the best outcome for your pet with the least possible reliance on prescription medications.